In the past 8 years
the productivity of American workers has increased by almost 20%, while the median weekly wage has declined by $1.
Read more: The State of Working America
More Facts
At least 88,656 civilians have died from military action since the U.S. led invasion of Iraq...
At least 4,186 Americans have died in the Iraq war...
From 2002 to 2008 the total economic cost of the war in Iraq to a family of four is $16,500...
U.S. Defense contracts to outsource military work in Iraq and Afghanistan grew more than 50% each year between 2004 and 2006...
In the two years following September 11, 2001, President Bush and seven of his administration’s top officials made at least 935 false statements about the national security threat posed by Iraq and Saddam Hussein...
In November 2005, 53% of Americans said “If President Bush did not tell the truth about
his reasons for going to war with Iraq, Congress should consider holding him accountable
through impeachment.”
Despite GOP claims of widespread voter fraud, only 26 criminal violations were found between
2002 and 2005...
Roughly a third of all American voters in 2008 will use electronic voting machines that are proven to have serious accuracy and security flaws...
The Justice Department filed suit in 2005 against at least four states that refused to conduct aggressive voter purges...
13 million voters were purged from registration rolls in 39 states and the District of Columbia between 2004 and 2006...
In the past 8 years the Office of the Vice President used the expanded authority it claimed to establish U.S. policies violating the Geneva Conventions without consulting the Cabinet or Congress...
In the past 8 years the Office of the Vice President grew more powerful and less accountable
than ever by claiming not to be part of the executive branch...
Two-thirds of the the tax cuts enacted under President Bush went to the top 20%
of earners in 2007...
Tax cuts and defense spending introduced in the last 8 years account for 82% of the
projected $546 billion federal budget deficit in 2009...
In 2001 the Congressional Budget Office projected a $710 billion surplus for the 2009 federal budget. It now estimates a $546 billion deficit...
In the past 8 years the number of Americans among the long-term unemployed
has increased by two and a half times...
In 2005 and 2006, more than half of the borrowers who were sold “risky” sub-prime home
loans had credit scores that would have qualified them for conventional prime loans...
In the past 8 years the productivity of American workers has increased by almost 20%,
while the median weekly wage has declined by $1...
In the past 8 years the wealthiest 400 Americans saw their wealth increase by $670 billion...
In the past 8 years 5.7 million Americans have fallen into poverty...
In the past 8 years the ranks of uninsured Americans have grown by 7.2 million...
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